Relieve Pain, Reduce Lameness, Increase Mobility

We are excited to announce that we are now offering Shock Wave* treatment in our practice. Shock Wave uses high energy sound waves to relieve pain, reduce lameness, and increase mobility. Benefits of Shock Wave are similar to laser treatment, but sound waves penetrate tissue deeper than laser light, the results of treatment last longer, and are faster acting than laser. The sound waves stimulate cells to release healing growth factors in the body that reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, accelerate bone formation and enhance tendon, ligament, and wound healing.

Our PulseVet System is electrohydraulic, which unlike piezoelectric systems, does not require us to sedate patients (though some may benefit from mild oral sedatives if they have noise phobias) and allows us to treat a larger area, to a deeper tissue depth, in the same amount of time.

*Shock wave is not an electric shock! It is sound energy.

In general, what can be treated with Shock Wave? 

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Chronic Pain

  • Sprains and strains (tendon and ligament injuries)

  • Bone fractures

  • Back pain (not acute IVDD)

  • Shoulder Instability

Shock Wave Indication Chart


Treatments cost $300 per targeted site, and it is best to focus on one site per visit (unless otherwise discussed with the doctor). Most pet insurance companies will reimburse the cost of Shock Wave treatment, but as always, we recommend checking with your company directly if you have questions about the coverage in your pet's policy. We generally recommend scheduling shockwave appointments by themselves, without planning any other treatment modalities that day. However if shockwave is scheduled during a standard treatment appointment, standard treatment appointment rates apply in addition to the $300 shockwave treatment. 


Q: Does shockwave have to be repeated?

A: For most conditions, three (3) treatments are scheduled about 2-3 weeks apart. This treatment frequency allows for a big boost in healing and tissue comfort. In conditions in which we are aiming for complete healing and resolution of the problem, such as with tendonitis cases, this series of 3 treatments is very rarely repeated. In chronic conditions such as joint arthritis or chronic back pain (NOT acute IVDD), one series of 3 treatments usually provides relief to the patient for 9-12 months.

Q: *Why does it cost so much? 

A: We invested in a Shock Wave unit that, unlike other units, doesn’t require sedation making it a safer treatment option for senior and geriatric patients. With each use, the trode (functional part of the device) is consumed and only has a limited number of uses before it must be “reloaded”.

Q: “Why should I even do Laser if Shock Wave is better?” 

A: Not every tool is useful in every single circumstance, and our Veterinary staff will make recommendations for your pet based on the capabilities and limitations of Laser, shockwave, and any other modalities we utilize or recommend. Laser has its indications, for sure. It is often better tolerated than Shock Wave, it is great for more superficial conditions and acute IVDD, and it can be used in multiple locations in the body at one time. Laser is often used in conjunction with Shock Wave when treating THE most painful area, with laser supporting the rest of the body’s sources of pain. 

Q: How noisy is Shock Wave?

A: The unit produces a loud clicking sound that is not loud enough to require hearing protection, but may be alarming to dogs and some people. If you are concerned about the sound, we have an audio file you can sample to evaluate or desensitize them to the sound beforehand. 

Time Commitment and Scheduling

Treatments generally take less than 10 minutes, and require 2-3 treatments, performed 2-3 weeks apart. Though you may see immediate improvement, it is important to keep exercise and high impact activity to a minimum to allow the body to heal (please keep this in mind for ALL of our treatments). Shockwave treatment is offered during any of our normal operating hours, and is best suited as a separate appointment from standard  and extended (“The Works”) acupuncture, rehabilitation and laser appointments.

Shock Wave Brochure


Can I hear what Shock Wave sounds like?

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